What is a Tummy Tuck?

Depending on your age and weight, both men and women will at some point experience that their stomach is not so tight anymore. People who have struggled with excess weight, or those whose skin is sagging and stretched-out by pregnancy, can develop a layer of fat (apron) at the front of their stomach. A Tummy Tuck can correct this.

The doctor will look in the mirror together with you and discuss what you can expect after such a procedure. The quality of the skin does not change after this procedure, but the contours do. If it is not a question of excess skin, but the localised accumulation of fat, then liposuction could be the answer.

If you are considering a Tummy Tuck, then we feel that it is important that you know that, in exchange for a tighter stomach, that you will have quite a scar.

The scar runs straight across the lower abdomen from the one hip to the outer side of the other hip.

Generally speaking: the darker the skin, the longer it takes for the scar to become softer, thinner and less visible. Usually, the navel (belly button) is re-attached, creating a scar around it.

Of course, our experienced plastic surgeons do everything they can to keep the scars to a minimum and within the ‘bikini line’.

A Tummy Tuck can give you a considerably flatter stomach. However, this procedure is not the answer to excess weight. If you are overweight, then it is advisable to try to lose some of the weight before the operation. The results of the operation will be much better if you can. If you are a woman, it is advisable to have the operation after your last pregnancy.

*The doctor will determine if the treatment is necessary for medical reasons. * This treatment falls within the tax-exempt medical care as stated in article. 11-1-g Tax Law, 1968.

What are the advantages of a Tummy Tuck?

  • A tighter and flatter stomach again
  • Beautiful contours
  • The best aftercare for a full recovery.

When am I a suitable candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

You are a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck if you have an accumulation of fat in the stomach area that you can’t get rid of or is difficult to get rid of with diets or exercise. The procedure is also suitable if you have a lot of loose skin due to having lost a lot of weight, or if the skin has lost its elasticity, due to old age. Women who are unable to tense their stomach muscles after several pregnancies or have a lot of excess skin are also good candidates for a Tummy Tuck, as it can help to restore their stomach to its original state.

Should the excess skin be only localised under the navel, then a mini Tummy Tuck will be sufficient. Has your abdominal wall completely collapsed, including the skin and the muscles above the navel, then a complete Tummy Tuck (or abdominoplasty) would be the best solution.
For this procedure, the excess skin is removed, and the navel is moved upwards. A Tummy Tuck is a major operation. It’s normal to stay the night in our clinic.


During your first consultation, we will explain everything you need to know about the treatment. We will also discuss what bothers you the most about your stomach and what you would like to do about this. In addition, we will recommend which method best meets your needs, talk about what you can expect in terms of end results, inform you about the possible risks and about the necessary aftercare.  You will always receive honest advice and be informed clearly about the treatment and the period that follows.

After everything has been discussed, the plastic surgeon will decide whether you are a suitable candidate for a Tummy Tuck. The surgeon will ask you questions regarding your health, medical history and any possible medication you are using. If you use blood thinners, then you should stop using them at least one week before your surgery. The doctor will also enquire about your wishes and expectations. He will then be able to tell you whether this surgery will meet your needs, or not, and if a combination of treatments could be an option.

How is a Tummy Tuck done?

Before you receive your treatment, photos will be taken for in your medical file. A Tummy Tuck is a major operation, and for this reason, you will be admitted to the clinic for an overnight stay. However, this is not the case for the small (mini) Tummy Tuck.

At night there is always a certified nurse on duty to ensure that you receive optimal aftercare and to answer any questions you may have.

As discussed during the first consultation:

  • A Tummy Tuck is always performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, using a general anaesthetic.
  • To start, the surgeon will make a slightly curved horizontal incision just above the pubic area.
  • Skin and fat are then detached from the abdominal wall, up to the ribcage. The navel remains attached to the underlying muscle layer.
  • If necessary, the surgeon will tighten the stomach muscles, bringing them back to where they should be, with sutures.
  • The excess skin and surplus fat will be removed, and the navel will be re-attached in its new position.
  • All sutures are soluble and stitched beneath the skin. All that will remain is a thin line.
  • If required, drains will be inserted during the first 24 to 48 hours to help get rid of excess fluid in the wound. The drains will be removed before you go home.
  • The operation will take about two hours.
tummy tuck


What is a Tummy Tuck Fleur-de-lis?

For this operation, stomach tissue is pulled down from the top and from the sides to your middle. The stomach tissue is detached from the stomach muscles, after which the excess skin is cut away.  Next, the doctor will make an additional vertical incision from the pubic bone to the breastbone. The shape of these two incisions looks like the French lily. Therefore, the name Fleur-de-lis, or anchor-Tummy Tuck.

When am I a suitable candidate for a Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck?

This operation technique is for those who have lost a lot of weight and for whom another type of Tummy Tuck operation would not give the desired results. Those who have lost a considerable amount of weight – for example through following a strict diet or as a result of a gastric reduction are also good candidates for this procedure. Or even for those whose skin has lost its elasticity, due to old age. Other suitable candidates are those whose skin has become saggy and has stretched after several pregnancies. This operating technique is a good solution for those with a severely enlarged stomach area. However, an anchor-Tummy Tuck is only an option when you have a stable weight and eating pattern.

tummy tuck


What is a mini Tummy Tuck?

For a mini Tummy Tuck, the skin from the lower abdomen is tightened without moving the navel. A mini Tummy Tuck is suitable for those with excess skin below the navel. This procedure allows for a maximum of 10 centimetres of skin to be removed from directly under the navel down to the pubic bone area. There will be scars even with the mini Tummy Tuck, but our plastic surgeons do try to confine these within the bikini-line.

When am I a suitable candidate for a mini Tummy Tuck?

This is a suitable procedure for those who have lost a lot of weight, or if your skin has lost its elasticity, due to old age. Other suitable candidates are those whose skin has become saggy and has stretched after several pregnancies. A mini Tummy Tuck is the perfect solution for getting rid of any excess skin from your lower abdomen.
It is also a suitable procedure for women who have maternity stretch marks below the navel area. In some cases, any excess fatty tissue below the skin can be removed by liposuction.

As with other types of Tummy Tucks, you will always have scars. Of course, our experienced plastic surgeons do everything they can to keep the scars to a minimum and within the ‘bikini line’.

How is a mini Tummy Tuck done?

First of all, you will come to our clinic for a consultation. There, we will explain everything to you about the treatment and the aftercare that is needed. You will receive clear information and be given honest advice.  We will recommend which Tummy Tuck best meets your needs. In addition, we will discuss your health, medical history and any medication you may be using.

Although it may not sound like it, a mini Tummy Tuck is a major surgery where the skin is tightened again. You will only be considered for a mini Tummy Tuck when the excess skin is located under the navel. A maximum of 10cm of excess skin can be removed from below the navel.

The plastic surgeon will make a slightly curved horizontal incision across your pubic bone area. As a result, the scars will be covered by your underwear where it is less visible.

The surgeon will then detach your skin from the underlying muscle and fat layers. The excess skin is cut away and the surgeon will proceed to suck away any excess fat from the areas as and when agreed.  The mini Tummy Tuck takes about one to two hours to perform.


When you come out of the general anaesthetic, you may feel weak and tired. Your stomach skin has been bandaged and you will be lying in bed in a semi-reclined position, so as not to put any strain on the edges of the wound. Sometimes it is necessary to insert two tubes (drains) into your stomach to help get rid of any excess blood or fluid in the wound. The drains are normally removed the day after.

When may I go home?
You may leave the clinic once the plastic surgeon and the anaesthetist have given their approval for your discharge. Your levels of consciousness, breathing and blood pressure must be stable before you can go home. You must also have had something to eat and drink. Furthermore, you must be able to sit and walk, and you must have urinated, too.
You may go home the next day, but you may not drive yourself. We recommend that you arrange for someone to take you home. Using public transport is discouraged.

Post-operative pain and recovery
You probably won’t be in a lot of pain after the operation, however, should it be necessary, you can get some extra painkillers. As your stomach muscles have been reassembled, you may experience pain and discomfort when you cough, laugh or push. The stomach wall will need two weeks to heal after the operation. We advise the following:

  • Take it easy for the first two weeks, (do not participate in any heavy physical activities)
  • For the first 24 hours after the operation, you should be accompanied by an adult.
  • You may not drive for the first 48 hours after the operation because of the side effects of the general anaesthetic.
  • You may not drink for the first week after the operation because of the side effects of the general anaesthetic.
  • You may resume your normal daily activities after two weeks.
  • You may do sports again after six weeks.
  • Do not go swimming or visit the sauna in the first six weeks
  • Both smoking and alcohol have a negative effect on the healing process and recovery time – try to abstain from both for a while.

The scars can be very fierce in colour for the first few months. They will gradually blend more and more with your own skin tone and become less visible. You must refrain from exposing the scars to direct sunlight for the first year, as the sun can cause the scars to ‘burn’ which makes them more visible. Keep your scars covered and apply a very high sun protection factor.