The Brazilian butt lift is an operation method used to enlarge the buttocks and possibly the hips using your own body fat.
Preliminary Stage
You will have an initial informative talk with the specialist who will be treating you, prior to any possible surgery. We will discuss your symptoms and wishes and answer any questions you may have. Your treating physician – plastic surgeon – will review the operation with you one more time and let you know what you can expect. Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to ask any additional questions you may have.
Treating physician
At Praktijk Diana Gabriels, liposuction and lipofilling are only carried out by plastic surgeons. Care Clinic regularly works with international specialists. For example: with the recognised dr. Monzon in Spain and the recognised dr. Petit in France. Whenever a foreign surgeon carries out a treatment, a Dutch-speaking, BIG-registered plastic surgeon is always present as a supervisor.
Liposuction System
Care Clinic uses the PAL-system. What’s special about this system is that the special cannula (a hollow tube that is inserted into the body) is driven by a motor causing vibrations. These small but fast vibrations make it possible for the cannula tip to loosen the fat cells more easily. Making it easier to remove the fat cells.
This technique makes it possible to carry out the procedure with a small cannula. The advantage of this is that the procedure can be done with fewer and smaller holes. In other words, on average, leaving scars no bigger than 2 to 4 mm.
Furthermore, the results are much better than those from traditional liposuction treatments. The surgeon guides the cannula by hand when using traditional liposuction methods. When several large areas are to be treated, this can be quite intense labour. Besides, the movements are less controlled. As a result, the risks of scaring and a-symmetry are higher than when using the cannula with the PAL-System. This system vibrates, causing the fat cells to be broken down more evenly. All in all, giving a smoother result.
The PAL-System makes it possible to create more precise contours and give a sharper silhouette.

Before the operation
In preparation for your surgery, we advise you to stop smoking at least four weeks before your treatment. Smoking has a negative effect on the recovery process.
You are also advised to start taking eight Arnica drops, three times a day, for ten days prior to your surgery, and 20 drops on the day of your surgery. Arnica is a homoeopathic drug, which will help reduce the risk of bruising.
Also: do not drink any alcohol in the week before your surgery. Do not drink any coffee the day before, and after your surgery. You will be given a general anaesthetic and should have an empty stomach when you arrive at the clinic.
Further instructions will be provided after the surgery has been scheduled.