scar correction

What is scar correction?

Women are often left with a scar after childbirth due to an episiotomy or tearing caused during childbirth. The labia can also become damaged. Correcting a scar is one of the most common operations in cosmetic gynaecology.

The idea behind scar correction is to make the scar ‘prettier’. It can never be completely removed, but a scar correction can help it to be less prominent. It is important to know that a scar can only be corrected once it has completely healed.

When am I a suitable candidate for a scar correction?

You’re a good candidate when your vagina has torn, or you had an episiotomy during childbirth.  Sometimes the scar does not heal the way you would have liked it to heal, and this can cause discomfort. You also must be at least 18 years old; this is required by law for this procedure.

How is a scar correction done?

Scar correction is a simple procedure. Generally, the procedure is carried out using a mild sedative injected into the area to be operated on. It is then stitched using soluble sutures. During the consultation, the surgeon will inform you about how you can best prepare for the procedure. On average, a scar correction takes no longer than 45 minutes.

You will not feel anything during the procedure because of the sedative. A few hours after the procedure, the sedative will have worn off, and the area may feel sensitive. You can take paracetamol for this, which should be sufficient.


Before the scar correction can be done, you will meet with our cosmetic gynaecologist. During this consultation, you can explain what the problem is, why you would like to have a scar correction done, and what your wishes are. Naturally, you are free to ask any questions. The cosmetic gynaecologist will provide you with information on the procedure and can recommend which treatment best meets your needs.

What can I expect after having had a scar correction done?

Roughly an hour after the procedure the sedative will have worn off, and the area around the scar will be sensitive. Should you be in a lot of pain, then you can take paracetamol. You must be careful with the scar after the procedure. There shouldn’t be too much tension on the wound.
It can take anywhere from six to ten weeks before the swelling has completely disappeared. Normally, the skin feels numb for a while, but this is often only temporary. The scar can initially feel hard, but this will change after a couple of months.  The scar will become softer.
When you can resume your daily activities depends on the type of activities that you normally do. Discuss this with the cosmetic gynaecologist.

We advise you to refrain from sexual contact and not to do any sports until six weeks after the procedure. Also, it is not advisable to do any heavy physical labour or lift any heavy objects. The wound or wounds should be stressed as little as possible.
Six months after the procedure, you will have fully recovered, and you should see optimal results.

Once the procedure has been done, there will be some swelling around the clitoris.  Immediately after the procedure, it is important to – cool the area every 10 minutes and continue to do so regularly for two or three days. Even when cooled, the clitoris area can remain swollen for quite a while. As mentioned before, it can take anywhere from six to ten weeks before the swelling has completely disappeared. However, by cooling, you make sure that the swelling will be less.

It is not advisable to sit on a doughnut cushion or a swimming float after the procedure because this could cause the swelling to increase. We advise you to sit on a rolled-up towel, which will act as a pressure bandage.
Please bring a towel with you on the day of your treatment. On your way home, immediately after your procedure, you can then sit on the towel to prevent or limit the swelling.