What is a breast augmentation?
The breasts play an important role when it comes to the appearance of a woman. Women can feel insecure about their breasts. Our experience tells us that a breast lift can have a big, positive effect on a woman’s self-confidence. The specialised doctors* at Care Clinic will gladly help you.
A breast augmentation is a major operation. Implants are inserted into the breasts to give the breast(s) a better shape and to make them bigger. You must be well-informed about the different possibilities before you make your decision to undergo surgery.
Because everybody is unique, Care Clinic offers a wide range of prosthetics.
*The doctor will determine if the treatment is necessary for medical reasons. * This treatment falls within the tax-exempt medical care as stated in article. 11-1-g Tax Law, 1968.
How is a breast augmentation done?
A prosthetic will be inserted into your breast. This will be done via a hole which is made as small as possible. We exclusively use cohesive gel (not fluid gel) and breast prosthetics from Mentor. We use them so that we can guarantee a high level of quality. We also offer a twenty-year factory guarantee.
The prosthetic can be inserted in three ways:
- Above the muscle
For this technique, the prosthetic is inserted under the breast tissue and above the large breast muscle. This gives a natural result because the prosthetic can then move with the body. It is important to be aware that the firmness of your breast tissue and the thickness of the skin will decline the older you become. This means that the prosthetics can become more visible as time goes by. This can also happen when you fluctuate in weight. - Under the muscle
For this technique, the prosthetic is covered by an extra layer of muscle. As a result, there is much less of a chance that you will be able to feel the edges of the prosthetic. It is true, however, that the prosthetic will move a lot less with the body. In addition, the breast will feel harder due to the pressure on the muscle. - Dual plane
For this breast augmentation technique, the prosthetic is partially inserted under the muscle. The breast muscle is large, but not wide enough to cover the whole prosthetic. The largest, upper part of the prosthetic will go under the muscle, in this method, and the smaller lower part will be on top the muscle, under the breast tissue.
In general, when there is less than 3cm of breast tissue coverage, the Dual Plane technique is used. This gives a natural result where the prosthetic is less visible or even invisible.
Added benefit: the risk of capsular contracture is considerably smaller with this technique. Disadvantage: the recovery is longer. The mobility of the breasts isn’t visible until much later than with the ‘above the muscle’ technique and is often considered to be a more painful procedure.
When am I a suitable candidate for a breast augmentation?
The legal age limit for a breast augmentation is 18. Not only is this the minimum age for cosmetic surgery, but also the breasts aren’t fully developed till then.
First, one of our consultants will look to see which breast augmentation best meets your needs. When you come for your consultation, your breasts will be examined, and you can explain your wishes. Our consultant will give you tailored advice.
After your initial consultation, you will be seen by the doctor who will perform the breast augmentation. This doctor will examine your breasts one more time and take your measurements. The diameter of your natural breast, the length of your torso and the thickness of the covering breast tissue are taken into consideration, as well as the condition of your skin and the position of your nipples. The advice given will be based on the results of these measurements, taking your wishes into consideration.
What are the advantages of a breast augmentation?
- Exclusive use of safe breast implants
- Breast augmentation that meets your needs
- Life-long factory guarantee on Mentor breast implants
- You can have the operation done within two weeks
- The operation will take about an hour
- The recovery period is seven to 14 days
- Invisible scars after the augmentation.
- You should make sure an adult is with you for the first 24 hours after your operation.
- You may not drive for the first 48 hours after the operation because of the side effects of the general anaesthetic.
- No driving a car in the 1st week either, gradually build up driving a car in the 2nd week.
- You may not drink for the first week after the operation because of the side effects of the general anaesthetic.
- Don’t rush things.
- You may not raise your arms above your head.
- Avoid direct sunlight for the first two weeks: protect your scars from the sun, so that the wound will not discolour.
- Avoid physical, heavy, strenuous activities such as cleaning the house (vacuuming, mopping, cooking or lifting heavy objects).
- Don’t lift anything heavier than a pack of milk.
- Don’t do any sports for the first four weeks.
- You may not go swimming or visit a sauna or use a sunbed for the first six weeks after the operation.
- Both smoking and alcohol have a negative effect on the healing process and recovery time – try to abstain from both for a while.